Random Thoughts from a Restless Mind

Dr. Darrell White's Personal Blog

Cape Cod

Dad Wisdom #17: Actions Make the Man

When it came time to pick a location for their CrossFit Affiliate my sons were adamant that there be no question that they were opening their Box in a truly new, unserved area. They disqualified several fertile locations, only doing market research in areas well outside of the catchment zone of the Boxes then open. Their intent was righteous and above reproach.

Interestingly, although the boys were quite vocal about why they opened where they did, only one of the established Affiliate owners ever acknowledged this. “The Heir” and Lil’bingo walked away from their home town and all of their parents’ contacts, a simply terrible business decision. They felt it was somehow wrong, unseemly even, to move into the close proximity of gyms they felt were doing CrossFit the right way.

We’ve been parsing the lessons taught by my Dad over the years. On his 75th birthday we gathered 75 of them, and the list has been making the rounds this week among people he’d touched in life. One of them was an admonition to judge a man based on what he did, not what he said he’d do. The lesson was deep, deeper than any of us knew at the time. Folks make all kinds of promises and give all kinds of assurances, but in the end you only know who they really are by what they actually do. One can divine intent only when one can examine action.

In the end we will understand what is important to you not by what you declare but by what you’ve done. You may make the wrong decision for the right reason, but experience teaches that this is quite rare on a micro, personal level. No amount of explanation or rationalization will provide shelter from the glaring sun shining upon your actions. That was the follow-up lesson from my Dad: you can’t talk away what you’ve done forever. “The Heir” and Lil’bingo told the world who they are by what they did. Few people listened, and fewer still understood. Their example has been honored only in the breech.

It’s not what you say you will do or why, it’s what you choose to do that tells us who you really are.

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